Abakan Airport Contact & Code -Abakan, Russia

Abakan Airport in Abakan, Russia Contact Address, Phone number, Email, Location Map, Website

Abakan Airport in Abakan, Russia

Abakan Airport Contact & Code -Abakan, Russia

Airport Name : Abakan Airport

ICAO Code :Unaa

IATA Code : Aba

 Address: 59, Abakan, Khakasiya Republits, Russia, 655008

 Phone: +7 390 228-28-54

 Business hours : Around the clock


Map: View direction here

Abakan Airport Website: http://abakan-airport.ru/

List of Terminals in Abakan Airport, Russia

  • Terminal 1

Contact numbers in Abakan Airport, Russia

Information phone:+7 (3902) 282-854
VIP-hall:+7 (3902) 296-423
Mother and child’s room:+7 (3902) 282-854
Medical center:+7 (3902) 296-586
Parking:+ 7 (3902) 296-281
Luggage storage:+7 (3902) 282-854 
BaggagePacking:+7 (3902) 282-854

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Published April 19, 2022
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